Crio.Do, the collective team of mentors the next generation of coders need

A K Shaw
4 min readJun 25, 2020

A follow-up read to Crio.Do, the nex-gen platform for learning sought after coding skills.

Crio.Do logo

Well, it has been some time being a part of the apprenticeship provided by Crio.Do, and to add to that, I have never been improving my skills at such an unprecedented pace.


Crio.Do has made it so much easier, providing a proper structure to the learners, to propagate learning new skills. Crio.Do has defined a new meaning to ‘Learn By Doing’ through its method and approach to learning. Most other online platforms have given you all the materials beforehand and all you need to do is follow along, but that’s not the case here at Crio.Do. Here, you’ve only been given the info on what needs to be done, and maybe, just maybe they’ve given some references on how it can be done, but it’s up to us as the learners to get it done. What I mean by that is, after getting a job done, you get the feeling that you’ve done it yourself, which is the best of all. It’s obvious that it’s not like they’ve left us with nothing, but enough so that we can get started. It’s not like a ready-made tutorial to follow. Also, in the case of ready-made tutorials, you don’t get the feeling of getting stuff done, most of the time you get the feeling of imposter syndrome. But obviously, that’ll never be the case if you’re doing the job without relying on a path that has been provided to you.

It’s just as Ralph Waldo Emerson said about Forging Your Path.

“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”

Currently, I’m a part of Crio.Do’s Launch + program. This is a program that is centered around preparing the next graduating batches to land the best tech jobs out there. This program is capped at 16 weeks, and I’ve already been 10 weeks into the program. The program has two parts, one is the interview preparation track and the other is the product development track. As the name goes, the interview preparation track is aimed at preparing the candidates for the coding rounds, and the product development track is aimed at granting the candidates experience in product development.

At first, the interview preparation track was a little overwhelming. But soon I got the hang of it and started making progress. The best thing is that the Crio team is always there to push you, to bring out your best, to motivate you. I appreciate that about them.


Crio’s recent #IBelieveInDoing challenge was quite fun too. It consisted of two Micro-Experiences. Now, for those who don’t know what’s a ME(Micro-Experience), might wanna check out the link given at the top. The Micro-Experiences were QReview and QPrep — System Design. I had completed QReview way back in January when I first came to know about Crio.Do and the opportunities it provides. QPrep — System Design was fun. It has to do with the behind-the-scenes course of actions that take place when we actively browse the web. Such as whenever we go to a website and reload a page or just add an item to our shopping cart. This ME just showed me how much we take the internet for granted, and how far we’ve come in technology. It gave a start on how to approach system design and also on how to nail system design interviews for freshers. Well, I’ll leave it at that for I don’t want to take the fun of exploration away from the ones who wanna give it a try.

Build real products, Learn tech hands-on
Build real products, Learn tech hands-on

But, one thing I’ll say is that, the main idea behind the company, Crio.Do, is their belief in their service. These are people who truly care about your career. And especially for people like us who belong to Tier-3 colleges in India, it’s really difficult to land a dream job. And that’s where Crio.Do comes into the picture. They ease us into the process of making a fine product out of us, which in the long term is gonna be both beneficial for our career and also for the country, as the more qualified the youth, the more the growth in the economy of a country.

